examples of FLOREUS support for different horticulture INDUSTRY SECTORS



•Linking new developments to growers, suppliers and retailers

•Selection based on market trends and customer preferences as well as grower requirements

•Support with installing and improving quality procedures and accreditation requirements including BOPP, Sedex, retailer-specific requirements and plant health requirements

•Supporting and assuring packing at source for retailers

•Independent shelf life and performance testing




•Crop inspection reports at growers

•Grower auditing, specifications and procedures

•Independent varietal selection and shelf life testing

•Internal audit and accreditation support

•Peak period preparation and support

•Packhouse staff training

•Transit packaging development (including home delivery)

•Packaging and label copy writing and sign-off

•Hardware supplier appraisals and audits, specifications, risk analysis and test requirements

•Store range checks / retailer comparisons

•Project support, including recently with legislative changes (post-Brexit; plant health; growing media / peat reduction and removal)




•Store staff training

•Store waste targeting and packaging waste reduction

•Mail order range selection and brand support

•Event support eg trade and public shows and promotions